Green Pass Information for Employees / Customers / Suppliers and Third Parties
This page is meant to communicate that Code Architects SRL, in compliance with the Decree-law September 21st 2021, n ° 127 and with effect from October 15th 2021 and until December 31st 2021 except extensions, will ask Employees / Customers / Suppliers and Third Parties attending our offices for a valid Covid-19 Green Certification (obtained according to the provisions of the law).
Upon entering the company or during the working day, the Green Pass must be shown to Employer’s delegates, who will scan it with the appropriate Verifica C19 app.
As required by art. 3, paragraph 3 of the Decree-law n. 127/2021 19 individuals exempted from the vaccination campaign are not required to possess and exhibit the COVID-19 green certification, but will be required to exhibit suitable medical certification attesting the exempt status.
In the absence of what is requested, the personnel involved will not be allowed enter. In this case, the service must be considered as not performed as it is in violation of the provisions of the law.
In case this event should cause damage of any sort – due to the impossibility of coping with its contractual obligations, legitimate in any case – the Company will make a request for an equivalent compensation for damage, which includes, where present, the “penalties” provided for in the agreements stipulated or in the orders for purchase subscribed.
Thanks in advance for your collaboration
The Management