The data available to a company have heterogeneous nature: management, CRM, Excel sheets, company databases, Access archives, text files, emails, data from social profiles, and other data sources that are disconnected from each other, for example large quantities of unstructured information available on the Web (big data). If organized and consolidated in the right way, this data allow to analyze the current situation and predict what may happen in the future, in order to intercept trends and increase competitiveness. This is the task of Business Intelligence (BI).
The first step for optimal data management is the design, implementation, monitoring and performance tuning of the company database, to evaluate the optimal approach (on-premise, cloud or hybrid) and the characteristics of the main relational platforms – including Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Oracle, MySQL – and no-SQL databases.
Code Architects can analyze the needs of companies of any size, and then follow the entire process of designing, developing and maintenance of BI solutions based on Microsoft Power BI, Synapse Analytics, Analysis Services and Azure Data Factory. These state-of-the-art technologies implement all stages of the data pipeline: from data extraction and modeling to the optimal visualization for business goals, including real-time analysis of continuous flows such as those generated by IoT (Internet of Things) sensors. Our data and report model allows customers to create personalized dashboards, so they can modify existing reports and create new ones in self-service mode.